Dreams Die Hard

Dreams die hard. There is a strange freedom in knowing life from death.

RenĂ© Girard said, ‘Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires.’

We are also products of our environment. What we become or end up be, in large part, does depend on where we are born, and everything that goes with it. Success of our forefathers and the peace and prosperity of our nation.

He called this phenomenon, “mimetic desire.” That not only shapes our fortune but also our desires.

Desires are like fetishes. We all have them, and they are different for all of us. Some of us to get to enjoy them. But a lot of us do not.

And there comes a point in life, we accept out fates and let our dreams go and let providence take over and we stop chasing them.

I have probably lived over half of my life. May be less but not definitely more.

If I apply linear regression, taking into account the lives of my mother, father and my aunt who I had loved dearly, I should already be dead. But here I am. As life does not follow statistics. I should know as Statistics is my bread and butter.

So, what is the point of this post?


Just Dreams die hard.

And part of my happiness comes from the fact that every day I wake up doing things that I had always wanted to do. May be that is the key to my happiness, and the joys I have in life.

The other day, I had used the word, ‘despondent’ to describe how I felt. But my friend told me that I was in an exalted company. I will take that my win for the day.

To the Dead and the Resurrected!