Resilience is neither ethically good nor bad. It is merely the skill and the capacity to be robust under conditions of enormous stress and change.
Bricolage can be chaotic and beautiful, pleasing as well as efficient. In Art, it is the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things that happen to be available, or a work constructed using mixed media.
In Information Systems, it is underexamined alternatives to a planned approach.
You also learn to be resourceful.
For Software Product it is one more way to implement ideas and build organizational structures around it.
It may sound like jugaad/ hack, but it is not.
My approach to Machine Dalal is seeped into realism.
Printing is not a fad; it is like fishing or farming. This trade is not going anywhere. Neither are the tools of the trade. Also, it is staid and steady.
From investment point of view. I have to manage my expectations. Be realistic and approach it in a way that my customers are not harmed. The value they bargain for, is provided.
When you cannot tell lies, you cannot tell lies. It is easier to drink our own Kool-Aid.
Stress & Change
It is fucking tough doing this thing. I tell you that. You feel like that hen from the fable – The Little Red Hen.
Even though I have a lot of help and people supporting me in this but you feel what you feel, there is no helping being helpless some of the times.
Change is difficult to manage, but manage you must. You are always divided into how to best utilize your resources and your time. This is where bricolage comes into play. You need to think like a seasoned artist and develop the art as you move along.
Sometimes things are more romantic than they are, sometimes it just sounds as such.
But the stories of struggle are only inspiring if you succeed, otherwise they are at best, poignant.
What is going on?
This is more like a filler episode of my travails in building Machine Dalal. In the next one, I would have lot more to say, and share.
We have been updating our tech stack. Sounds weird but true, especially when we are not complete by any stretch. Well let’s just say that we had some technical debt and we are paying it off.
Often times this looks like a gamble, which in a way everything is, like love.
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em,
Know when to walk away, know when to run.
You never count your money when you’re sittin’ at the table.
There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done.