Modi this week – Week I

Modi word of the week: Modicum.
No, no, no, take it easy bhakatjano.
It is not what you think, it simply means a moderate or small amount: He hasn’t even a modicum of common sense.

Well, at least I got that out of the way. Due to technical difficulties this series is running behind by a month when about forty percent of Indian population was fapping to Narendra Modi’s ascent to power. Only the supporters who were stationed in the not-India-land and actually did not vote were more vigorous. Let me tell you that, the true patriots are either dead or abroad.

Dog, Pole and Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi ji

First of all, story time.
A few days before voting begun, a rather loud shopkeeper at a pharmacy store was loudly emphatic and was aiming more towards the unintended listeners than his counterpart in the argument. He proudly proclaimed that, and I quote ad verbatim, “Even if a dog stood on BJP’s ticket from his constituency, he would vote for the dog.”

That told me two things, that a dog, a pole or any other hole would poll votes this time around but this is also true that had Modi, sorry Prime Minister Shri Narendrabhai Modi ji, ran on congress ticket, even he would have lost the elections.

So there you have it, my synopsis of the elections. It was not asked for, but I still served it, for you, to enjoy.

Modi word of the next week (It had to be done that way)


Bhaktjan is to Modi what Vanara Sena was to Lord Ram in his fight against Ravan. Equating Ravan with Gandhi the imbecile would be a slight to the Asura king of Sri Lanka, so I am not doing that.

Bhaktjans live on the stimulation that Modi ji provides, if the word modicum did not exist in the English dictionary already, we would have to invent it to satisfy (pun intended), the Bhaktjans.